B2B Shipment Rate Calculator
Rate Calculator

Terms & Conditions:
  1. 1. Above pricing subject to change based on courier company updation or change in any commercials.
  2. 2. Freight Weight is Picked - Volumetric or Dead weight whichever is higher will be charged.
  3. 3. Other charges like address correction charges if applicable shall be charged extra.
  4. 4. Prohibited item not to be ship, if any penalty will charge to seller.
  5. 5. No Claim would be entertained for Glassware, Fragile products,
  6. 6. Concealed damages and improper packaging.
  7. 7. Any weight dispute due to incorrect weight declaration cannot be claimed.
  8. 8. Chargeable weight would be volumetric or actual weight, whichever is higher (LxBxH/27000)*6 .